SiC semiconductor trial reduces tram noise & energy (Railway-News)

Siemens Mobility and Stadtwerke München have presented the results of a one-year test trialling silicone carbide (SiC) semiconductor technology in an Avenio tram. During the test phase, the vehicle travelled 65,000km. The test, a joint research project conducted as part of the European development and research programme PINTA, concluded in August.

Evaluating the test data, Siemens Mobility and Stadtwerke München found that vehicle motor noise fell significantly and that energy use dropped by ten percent.

Infineon Technologies is the manufacturer of the semiconductor technology. During the test, this technology was fitted on one of two traction converters in a three-car Avenio tram. The test phase included all the development tests needed to obtain authorisation for the use of this technology in passenger service.

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