Understanding London’s underground railway infrastructure (NathanDarroch)

This presentation by Nathan Darroch MA, MIAM at the Institute of Historical Research as part of the Transport and History Series on 11 January 2018 explains why historical geography is important to the understanding of an urban railway system, and features many photos and diagrams. Darroch’s research has identified 40 different physical interfaces within TfL Fare Zone 1 alone.

Understanding the historical development of and changes to the infrastructure of a city (roads, railways, buildings etc.) and its urban underground metro infrastructure can assist understanding of the interfaces of presence, property, and protection between them. This understanding can also potentially help the planning and development of future changes to urban environments, and how These shape and are shaped by transport infrastructure. These are essential to ensure the continued safe presence and operation of the city and its urban infrastructure.

View Institute of Historical Research presentation

See NathanDarroch.co.uk